CURAGEN™ Bovine Collagen Wound Dressing


CURAGEN™ is a porous and absorbent collagen wound dressing. It is designed for use in tooth extraction sites and oral surgeries to stop bleeding and reduce post operative pain. Curagen™ wound dressing is made of non-crosslinked bovine Achilles tendon collagen and avail-able in various sizes and configurations.

Product availability

Catalog ID Description Package Contents
SA001020 Curagen Collagen Plug 10 x 20mm plug, 10 pcs/box
SA001520 Curagen Collagen Plug 15 x 20mm plug, 10 pcs/box
SA204030 Curagen Collagen Sheet 20 x 40 x 3mm sheet, 1 pc/box

Product Benefits

  • Lessen post-surgical pain & duration
  • Higher bone mineralization density
  • Large collagen pore structure
  • 4-week long resorption duration
Interconnected Pores

Curagen™ Product Flyer (PDF File)

Curagen™ Clinical Studies

Pure type-1 collagen application to third molar extraction socket reduces postoperative pain score and duration and promotes socket bone healing.
PDF File